Piracy or Not?

Flinging her shawl over the couch, Shalini plopped down in front of the television. Jatin was touring all weekend. All by herself, she had decided to simply waste the weekend catching up on senseless soaps, sitcoms and movies. It was nearing nine ‘o’ clock, time for her favourite soap. Pulling out a tub of ice cream from the fridge, she wondered if the big secret about the adopted child would be revealed today. The promos were being aired since a week ago. Suddenly, the world around her went pitch black. “Shit!” She exclaimed. “Another power cut! Perfect timing!” She spent the next hour fretting and fuming before she finally decided to hit the sack. 

The next morning, as usual, she met her school friend Pia in the bus and undoubtedly, conversation centered around the show Shalini had missed. Pia gave her a quick rundown and urged her to watch a re-run on the internet. 

“Youtube has it all! Don’t miss it!” said Pia, getting ready for her stop.
“You know Jatin doesn’t like piracy. We don’t download movies or even songs.” Shalini reasoned. 
“Its not like you’re downloading. Its just watching online.” Pia countered.
“Is there an official channel?” Shalini asked.
“Don’t you watch movie songs? Yes or No? Well, not all are on official channels!” Pia remarked.
Shalini was silent.
“Everybody uses Youtube! You don’t want to miss this one, trust me!” Pia said, disembarking.
Shalini sat thinking. She didn’t want to miss out on what was being touted as the most interesting episode of the show but she also didn’t want to abandon Jatin and his cause, which she truly believed in. What's your shade?
I would love to hear your views!


  1. is she living for Jatin or for herself? Khud ka kuch nahi kya? abandon Jatins cause? Arre Shalu, dil jo bole woh kar! Dil ki sunn, Jatin ya Pia ki nahi! please to be live Your life..thankyoubye

    1. I was wondering where you had disappeared! Tere liye hi wo last line tha - " which she truly believed in.". Ab bolo! :D

  2. Hmmm I am very very GREY .. I am good and I am bad ..

    Youtube is fine i think, as long as you dont download you shud be ok to see it on there .. Well I watch it all the time ..


    1. Me too! :) Youtube has become synonymous like browsing the web and reading articles. But I have often wondered if there are rules around watching Youtube videos too?

    2. If there are then they shud be governing Youtube not the user, if its on public domain it is open for all, It will be youtube who need to set some sort of security to stop people ..

      that is what I think Logically

    3. Hmm, that argument does make sense. But I wonder in this age of computers, how much of a firewall can they really create? For every new piece of security that they put in place, there would be someone who would find a loop or find a way to get around it!

  3. Hmmm...I don't download newly released movies and watch them, but I do watch you tube videos..I don't know if that is piracy. That could be piracy if it is not the original video. Let us see what others think...:)

    1. Am like you too! I do watch a whole bunch of Youtube videos! Waiting to see what others say! I guess there are mixed reactions :) And of course, no one wants to incriminate themselves :) But Bikram's comment above makes sense too!

  4. You tube is perfectly fine but I liked how you brought out the concept of piracy.

    1. I guess Youtube does try to shut down videos if they think that its infringes on copyright. So some decent attempts there! But am sure there might be stuff passing under their radar! About introducing the concept of piracy, thanks for the vote Jas! :)

  5. If the lady doesn't want to carry "guilt" then watch it on TV or DVR if the show has a rerun. If not and she wants to watch it, see it on Youtube. Believe me, after the show's aired, the channel would want to, rather than lose her future interest and viewership.."Piracy" is a corporate-created concept, which while at extremes like big-budget movies getting mass-pirated can be damaging but on the other end even Windows became as prevalent due to this..but let the pendulum not swing too far..single-episodes? C'mon, just chill, and enjoy the show! :-)

    1. I like how you have tried to look at the big picture regarding the channel's future and viewership! Interesting thoughts about piracy! Makes me think. Its something I never thought of before. Welcome back! Been a while!


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