IFW Edition 4 - Rediscovering family

What happens when a soldier, presumed dead for five years, returns home to his wife and his son? What emotions plague the wife, who's now become independent and grown to accept a life without a man? How does the son react, then a cute little ten year old, now a grown teen who had to learn the ropes and grow up too soon? What emotional upheavals does this life changing event bring to the family? 

Read my entry to the Indifiction Workshop’s fourth edition here. Conceptualized by two popular bloggers TF and C. Suresh, Indifiction is a workshop for writers interested in fiction. Every edition’s winners define the succeeding plot and judge the next edition’s entries. The winners of the previous round; Rajrupa Gupta, Nabanita Dhar and TF would be judging this round. The plot has primarily been coined by them in conjunction, and can be accessed here. Feel free to leave your comment here or at the Indifiction link!
I would love to hear your views!


  1. LIFE.. up and down then uppppppppp

    but then end of the day we are what we are because of all these ups and downs

    good story and well written all the best


    1. Thanks Bikram! :) Yes, life does throw unexpected events our way doesn't it! We build up expectations from people and circumstances so much that we get upset and all worked up when they don't live up to our expectations! But every experience is a learning - helps us deal with future relationships better - be they friends or family!

  2. Hey Deepa...the story is too good...I completely loved reading it. I could visualise each scene as if it were happening in front of me. Just loved the way you narrated it..I am sure you'll win..I didn't read the other participants though..good luck :)when I read the intro para, it reminded me of the CAst Away movie..

    1. Thanks so much FIF for those words! You just made my way - oh I wish every publisher, judge and teacher would be like you - wouldn't that be cool! :)

  3. Besties :) Well narrated :) We cant live a life in a deceit,,eventually we have to come to terms with life,,


    1. Thank you so much Megha! That was very sweet of you! Yep, too high expectations do fall flat! Circumstances change and it's really in our best interests to learn and adapt!

  4. Replies
    1. Wow Seema! You've been following it, man am so honored! Thank you :)


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