Ten Shades of Life!

Elated to announce that my story 'Where did you go?' written under the 'Suspense/Thriller' genre has made its way into an anthology 'Ten Shades of Life'! The first of my stories to get published in print!!! Watch this space for more!

Roshan Radhakrishnan, a co-author, puts together teasers of the stories in the compilation on his site. Click here to get teased!  

Available offline at Landmark and Crossword! 
Or, order your copy online from any of the following e-retailers:

  1. Amazon
  2. Flipkart

Click on GoodReads for reviews posted on the story and the book:

Review 1
And the first review is out! Vinay Ravindranath reviews 'Ten Shades of Life' - claims a neat 8/10! Yippee! And one among others, 'Where did you go' written by yours truly, has also been slated as 'really enjoyable'! (Note to myself: Got to stop plucking character names from random Hindi serials! Got it.) So, did you order your copy yet?! Read the complete review here.

Review 2:
Can I just say that I am thrilled! Nabanita Dhar reviews Ten Shades of Life - and it claims a neat 4/5. You can find the complete review here.

Press coverage:
Ten Shades of Life gets a mention in the Indian Express - Mumbai and Pune Editions. Click here for the article!

Review 3:
Himani @ Review Station calls it 'A must read story.' - Well, what can I say?! I am thrilled! 
Read the complete review here.

Review 4:
Sandeep Nair of SandySpeak who works on commercial screenplays, motion picture subtitles and also runs his own photography business, reviews in detail 'Where did you go' from Ten Shades of Life! Click here for more.
