2018 A-Z Blogging Challenge: The Complete Works

The April A-Z Blogging Challenge is a yearly challenge for bloggers where they post every single day of April except Sundays (starting with the 1st of the month, even if it falls on a Sunday), one alphabet for each day, all posts with a common underlying theme. A-Z is now in it's 9th year. Click here to read more on the challenge! Click here for all participating blogs this year.

And if you're participating too, do leave your blog site in the comments! I'd love to visit!

Click here to check out the complete works of the 2016 that I was a proud finisher of!

This year, not only do I attempt to finish the challenge again, but I also add a tiny little twist of my own! I am going to size every single post to be exactly 100 words long! Not a word more, not a word less! Quick reading, fun reading, happy commenting! So, here we go with the 2018 challenge!
I love your comments!!
