K: Monkey Business

Monday 2:30 PM
‘Two silver spoons, my Estee Lauder lipstick, my Montblanc pen and Karthik’s mouth organ,” I say, as the constable makes a note.
“One gold earring and three bananas,” says Rama.
“Such a motley list for a maid to steal. One earring, not both,” he comments. Rama grunts.

Wednesday 5:20 PM
I step out of the building when it lands on my eye, blinding me for a second. Then it plops to the floor. My Estee Lauder lipstick. The Montblanc follows. I look up earnestly to see the perpetrator scampering away. With two other thieving monkeys in tow.

Though monkeys make unintentional yet sometimes funny kleptomaniacs, kleptophilia refers to the state of getting turned on by the very act of stealing. While pre-teen stealing tends to focus on the act of proving one’s bravado among peers and most adult robberies are usually of the financial kind, kleptophiles focus on stealing specific fetish objects though there is no personal or financial need for them.

Pic Credit: Youtube
This post is written as part of a 100 word microfiction series for the A2Z Blogging Challenge.
Read other posts in the A2Z 2018 Blogging Challenge here.
For the complete works of A2Z 2016 Blogging Challenge, click here


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