2021: Blogging A-Z Challenge: Covid Craziness: T


The road lining the seashore lays empty, its grey asphalt stretching infinitely into the distance. A lone wayward vehicle appears from time to time and disappears leaving behind a trail of dust. It has been thirty eight days of this new routine, a routine previously unheard and unseen of.

Mingling crowds are no longer visible; the hawkers by the shore no longer peddling their wares. The only sounds that interrupt the silence are those of the waves crashing on the rocks, a rhythmic melody.

Free from the desecration of their habitat, dolphins swim playfully and courageously closer to the shore.

Note: As countries around the world locked down, the lack of human intervention turned out to be a blessing in disguise for nature and wildlife. From nilgai to civets, dolphins to giant lizards, they were all back out in the open reclaiming their space. This 100-word micro-fiction is written for the Covid Crazies 2021 Edition of the Blogging from A-Z Challenge. The entire list of 2021 posts can be accessed here. 


  1. True, as if mother earth is healing and got an opportunity to allow her non human children to run about freely in world that belongs to them too.

  2. I can picturise the scene. Well written Deepa!

  3. You have at least seen the empty beach but I have never been there for a year. I cannot visualize such a scene.

  4. I am just picturing the serene beach, the waves, the sound of the waves and 🐬 such a beautiful scene you've painted Deepa

  5. Pristine blue waters..sense of serenity~~~~


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