2021: Blogging A-Z Challenge: Covid Craziness: Y


You and I, we walked around the sacred fire. Vowed to be together. Until death did us part. Now you’re gone forever. And here I am, all alone. Your dying last call haunts me. I feel lost, disoriented. Like onboard the spinning teacups ride at Disneyland, remember?

The mobile's shrill ring pulls me out of my reverie.

“He faked it,” says my brother. “he’s alive ... ” He pauses. “In Indore, with his mistress.” The teacups stop spinning, I sway from side to side.

That evening, the police drop you off back at our house. Until death do us part.

Note: In a bizarre incident, a man took advantage of the rising Covid deaths to fake his own death and eloped to Indore to be with his lover. More on the story here. This 100-word micro-fiction is written for the Covid Crazies 2021 Edition of the Blogging from A-Z Challenge. The entire list of 2021 posts can be accessed here.


  1. What an unexpected end?Should she celebrate the cheater’s return or get rid of the fellow once and for all?

    1. I think my fictional character has a plan for 'until death do us part' very soon! Hahahah! I wouldn't be surprised!

  2. Last Line I imagined like "with an evil smile"... I actually felt like watching a crime series trailer...mast -AA

    1. Imagine what could be waiting in store for him once he gets back. For all we know, his fantasy of death could have come true!

  3. A cold shiver ran down the spine...brrrr ^~^~^~^

    1. :) Glad you could feel the emotion! Happy Reading!


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