2021: Blogging A-Z Challenge: Covid Craziness: Z

Pic Credit: CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

Zombies? You mean for real?”

“Yes D, a zombie apocalypse. It's gonna happen.”

“Been watching too many movies?” 

She flips me off.

“Predictive programming. Those vaccines be running all sorts of mutations.”

I roll my eyes. She continues.

“They create the virus. Then the vaccine. Then it’s Zombieland.”

“Easy on the conspiracy theories now, alright? Stay away from the news, you going crazy”

“Hey, if that ain’t true, why do the CDC, the Americans, be prepping folks about it?”

“The CDC what?”

“Oh yeah. They got zombie apocalypse prep education going on man, don’t believe me do ya? Google it!”

Note: While Covid continues to obliterate a ton of human lives and the rest of humanity works round the clock to minimize damage, the air is also rife with conspiracy theories and whatnots. The American CDC page created a decade ago dedicated to preparedness to deal with a Zombie apocalypse (I wasn't kidding, here!) has picked up steam again - this time linked to vaccinations. And there are several others. Conspiracy or not, I hope the world heals and we come out of this stronger and kinder as a species. 

This last 100-word micro-fiction (it's a wrap!) is written for the Covid Crazies 2021 Edition of the Blogging from A-Z Challenge. Gonna miss writing these! The entire list of 2021 posts can be accessed here.


  1. The current scenario is like a mix of the below movies :
    1. Contagion
    2. inferno
    3. world war Z

    This is scary.

  2. Was waiting for this last post to read all of them in one go. Curiosity!
    Well written. Dedication and creativity.

    1. Thank you, Chethan! Hope you did come back to these! ;)

  3. Angrez kuch bhi theory nikal sakte hai ..scary.. And D u have done it..captured all emotions in A-Z ! I m so habitual to reading daily. Will miss it. -AA

    1. LOL! Thanks AA for your continuous support through the series! :) And I will come back with weekly recaps or posts as I go!

  4. Creepy...hope it remains only in theory!! Well done Deepa, all micro stories in A-Z were great reads. Keep writing!!

    1. haha, you never know! Who ever thought of Corona shutting down countries becoming a reality!
      Thank you for your continuous support, Bharati <3

  5. Well done! I enjoyed reading every day.

  6. American CDC..Uff!!
    World Thy World ,take your time to heal & come back like a warrior more happier..good on you Dear Deep to unfold & float such flawless feels of vulnerability & reality on different entities..WRITING IS A WAY OF TALKING WITHOUT BEING INTERRUPTED....Diya,diyo,deya,divaa,
    deepam..many names same LIGHT..will miss your mighty pages..October is my favorite Color...now onwards April is tagged on you..keep wandering...love hugs //()\\

    1. <3 Such a deep and encouraging comment! Thank you dear Parul, for your continuous support! Glad to have you over, and I shall keep posting from time to time!


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