M for Maldives: Global Warming

Every year, in April, the Blogging A-Z Challenge kicks off with a bang and now in its seventh year running, it continues to garner even more participation than ever! Click here to read more on the challenge! And if you're participating too, do leave your blog site in the comments! I'd love to visit!

I get home late from work that day. The house is unusually quiet, the telltale sounds of the television missing. I would have thought Tanya was out with her friends except I find her sitting on the bed, zombie-faced. Next to her, my travel suitcase lies open, its contents in various stages of unpacking.

“Babe? All ok?” I enquire. Fifteen seconds of silence ensue. She doesn’t move a muscle.
“Babe?” Sitting down beside her, I force her to meet my eye.
“Who is she?” She asks, her voice devoid of emotion.
“The one you vacationed with. You told me you went for work.”
“It was work.”
“All you got is scuba gear in your suitcase. Swimwear. No work wear.”

I am quiet, contemplating. She assumes this to be guilt on my part and continues. 
“Or you lied to me and vacationed with your friends?”

I grin at the mental image. It does sound tempting.
“Aah, I wish,” I say. Digging into my briefcase, I hand her the press release and media cutouts of the world’s first ever underwater cabinet meeting held at Maldives.

Click here to access the complete works of the 2016 A-Z Blogging Challenge!
The Maldives government, in a first of its kind, held the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting to highlight the impact of global warming and make a plea for climate change action. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1221021/Maldives-underwater-cabinet-meeting-held-highlight-impact-climate-change.html

I would love to hear your views!


  1. I guess that's one way of getting a point across. I can see how someone might not believe this story.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Yep, sure would be unbelievable - unless you had the picture and press releases backing it up! :)

  2. Awesome! Now that's one meeting I won't fall asleep in.

    1. I wonder how long one can stay underwater this way though, I mean I know people who can run really loooooong meetings! :)

    2. Let's take an oxygen break... Now that's something you don't hear often :-P

    3. Boy, are you in the office mood! That presentation guy sure has left an impact! TGIF, eh? :)


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