S for Spain: Men will be men

Every year, in April, the Blogging A-Z Challenge kicks off with a bang and now in its seventh year running, it continues to garner even more participation than ever! Click here to read more on the challenge! And if you're participating too, do leave your blog site in the comments! I'd love to visit!

It’s my first time at the festival. I’m only seven. Not Years. Kilos. Dad lays me down on the street next to Pablo. I hate Pablo. Barely a day older and acting as if he’s more experienced with the ladies. Pablo sticks his tongue out at me. I make ugly faces at him and look away. Up ahead, Nancy’s mom, Tanya, is bringing her over for the festival too. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Pablo inching closer to me freeing up space to his left for Nancy. The diabolical devil. I inch closer to him myself. Now there’s more space on my right. A few feet away, Nancy’s mom stops at the sidelines. Pablo and I exchange disgusting looks and edge away.

It’s my first time at the festival. I’m only twenty-nine. Years. Not kilos. My nine-month old Daniel lies in wait. Next to that dumbhead Alejandro’s kid, Pablo. There are eight kids lined in a row, a jump distance of maybe six feet. I tie up my shoe laces. To my right, the dumbhead does the same. He licks his thumb and uses it to smooth his eyebrows, flicking a smile at Tanya. As if she would ever fall for that, what an idiot! I can’t wait for him to make a fool of himself. As my turn comes, Tanya smiles at me. Knowing that Alejandro is watching, I wave at her, give him a smug smile and go for the jump. 1-0.

Click here to access the complete works of the 2016 A-Z Blogging Challenge!
One of the five strangest fiestas in Spain, the baby jumping festival of El Colacho is celebrated with much pomp and grandeur. http://www.spain-holiday.com/blog/5-of-the-strangest-fiestas-in-spain.php

I would love to hear your views!


  1. In our place it's considered very wrong to step over babies leave alone jump over them
    ...it's a strange world

  2. I too agree with Jaish's comments. Not just babies, even it is wrong to step over people. Never heard of this before.
    Talk to me once more - The Solitary Writer

    1. Yep, yep but then Spain does have its own set or weirdness! :) And they celebrate it too!
      Nice going on the A-Z!

  3. Gosh! That's a scary and really weird festival!!


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