G for Greece: Spit Please?

Every year, in April, the Blogging A-Z Challenge kicks off with a bang and now in its seventh year running, it continues to garner even more participation than ever! Click here to read more on the challenge! And if you're participating too, do leave your blog site in the comments! I'd love to visit!

On the way back home from work, I am part amused and part drawn in by the infectious enthusiasm of the two twenty-something girls sitting next to me on the metro.

“I even have Greek costumes picked,” says one as she whips out her smartphone. She’s talking about destination weddings in Greece. “Look, the authentic Laurel leaf crown. Me gonna wear this too!” And so, on and on it goes until the grim looking man sitting on the other side of the girls thinks he’s had enough and decides to cut the story short. He turns towards the one who’s talking, leans over close, sucks in hard and spits on her.

Well almost. He stops short. I can see the horror on faces around me and can only assume that my face dons a similar expression.

“Aah, I was just warding off the evil eye. They do that in Greece. Make sure you wear an apron, you don’t want spit down your wedding dress now, do you?” As he coolly gets up from his seat and walks towards the exit, stunned silence gradually turns into nervous laughter. 

Click here to access the complete works of the 2016 A-Z Blogging Challenge!
Spitting (mostly a dry spit--a symbolic gesture) has been held as a sign of luck and good wishes by Greek people for centuries. It is not unusual for the bride to be spat upon from both sides all the way up the aisle! http://www.thinkwedding.com/WedTraditions-Greek.htm

I would love to hear your views!


  1. Oh my! Haha that was funny :D Never knew about it ..

    Btw Long time, how have you been, Deepa?

    G- Greatness isn't self proclaimed

    1. As I go writing on this series, I'm discovering funny stuff all over the place! :) Makes it interesting! Am doing alright, took a real looooong break from writing and the whole blogging social scene itself, completely unintentional! One word: lethargia. Now hopefully, I'll start picking up the threads again! How's you doing? You're doing the A-Z too? Cool! Good luck with the rest of it!

  2. Really? Seems similar to the system of warding off ill omens down south by taking a fistful of salt and rotating the hands around the person and then asking them to spit in it before tossing it into the fire :)

    1. Fire? I didn't know that! I have heard of the salt thing! :) How's you been Jaish?

  3. Dry spitting or thoo-thoo is done even in northern India... and that's to bachaofy from buri nazar :)

  4. Good there's no paan in Greece, eh? Or it'll be a pink themed wedding.

  5. Something similar to Indian custom of symbolic spitting to ward off evil eyes. Interesting story around a Greek ritual! Now I know to stand away from the bride if I ever attend a Greek wedding!

  6. Good one. Did not know this. Thanks for sharing. India certainly not alone.

  7. Very well written ..As always .Loved it

  8. Hahaha... Sometimes these commute conversations can really be like "plz-keep-it-to-urself". This was a good way -AA

  9. Ali Asgar ShaherwalaJuly 5, 2021 at 7:40 AM

    Short writeup but interestingly summed up...all the best

  10. Omg You got me. I was wondering how can someone do that when you said, "We'll, almost!" Good twist and insight!

  11. Ha ha ha.. can't stop laughing..nice one Deepa

  12. haha ...interesting., just visualised the spiting scene

  13. Ha ha , enjoyed it.. People are same all over , some form of superstition/ customs all over

  14. Reading your blog is like learning something new about diff countries/culture…Enjoyed it😀

  15. Hey my friend...love Greece as it’s similarity with Grace when we speak...you know I imagined Olympus,philosophy,maps & olives from it...however this read gets a thorough laughter..what an interesting belief..pakka this all rewinds me to aunties & grandmas taking this course of doings & making it an compulsion {^^%^^}


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