V for Venezuela: Baby proofing!

Every year, in April, the Blogging A-Z Challenge kicks off with a bang and now in its seventh year running, it continues to garner even more participation than ever! Click here to read more on the challenge! And if you're participating too, do leave your blog site in the comments! I'd love to visit!

I hoist Tanya high up on my hip and juggle ten additional items. The diaper bag, car keys, my wallet, ready cash, a Dora sippy cup, a large packet of diapers, two bottles of Gerbers, a baby thermometer, candies and a tourist map highlighting nearby attractions.

Inching along the checkout queue at the supermarket, I receive looks of sympathy from people around me. I politely decline an offer of a cart. The minute I set Tanya down, those sympathetic looks would turn to looks that kill. My two year old can break ear-shattering pitch records of the opera. As my turn comes I place the items on the counter and hand over the cash.

“Certificate dahling?” she drawls.
“Eh?” I draw a blank. “No food coupons. All cash.”
“This eez Venezuela. You want baby items, show me birth certificate? No certificate, no buy.”
“You’re kidding, right?” I say, exasperated. The mere thought of spending two more minutes hashing out technicalities seems undoable now. I do the next best thing I can, guaranteed to get me out of here with all of it, certificate or not. I seat Tanya on the counter.

Click here to access the complete works of the 2016 A-Z Blogging Challenge!
Venezuela is a country that despite its riches practices grocery and basics rationing religiously. In order to buy diapers, mothers are expected to show birth certificates. Link Source1 and Source2

I would love to hear your views!


  1. I get that makes it harder for kidnapping but at the same time mother's don't have time to be logging around birth certificates and babies around. I have no kids and would find it annoying to show ID every time I had to make a purchase. Like seriously do you people have a department watching out for UFO's or what?

    1. I know!!! Imagine having to tote around birth certificates never knowing when you might need it! Mothers are already so overloaded with everything!


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