D: Dangerous!

I watch her thumb down car after car, every unsuccessful attempt inching her away from her destination and bringing her closer to mine. Nine minutes later, I see an SUV looming down the highway at breakneck speed. And I know this is my only chance. Three seconds later, I push her into the road. Forty minutes later, she is pronounced dead.

I have come here on 832 days in the past three years. Been lucky on 131 of them. Most days I go back empty handed. But on some rare days like today, I end up making my own luck.

Dystychiphilia is defined as’ Paraphilic sexuoeroticism linked to watching or participating in accidents’. The above is entirely a work of fiction and does not promote any kind of violence to justify one’s love for anything/anyone.

Pic Credit: Redbook
This post is written as part of a 100 word microfiction series for the A2Z Blogging Challenge.
Read other posts in the A2Z 2018 Blogging Challenge here.
For the complete works of A2Z 2016 Blogging Challenge, click here


  1. OMG! Are these people for real!!??
    Learnt something new today. Thanks for a chilling ride too!
    5 Reasons to Keep a Travel Diary #AtoZChallenge

    1. Well, there definitely exists a word in the dictionary! I just hope there ain't any of these in my circle!

  2. I never miss a day of your challenge

  3. It's always great to learn new things��

  4. Interesting and intense, Deeps. Waiting for E

    1. Thanks Arch! E will return to the light hearted genre though! :)

  5. Got goosebumps reading this one. One more addition to my vocab..thanks Deepa

    1. Scary right? :) It's crazy the kind of fanaticism that out's there!

  6. Oh my god...it was scary... Got chills...

  7. �� Hope it's only a word n such people doesn't exists

    1. Haha, yeah hope so! But then it's a recognized condition, so maybe there do exist some :|

  8. Scary and creepier than cemeteries

    1. Yeah, makes you wonder if such folks really exist!


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