C for Chanakya’s Chant (2022 A-Z)


“Ramaiyya, could father really have done this? This cruel?” He croaks, broken. The incriminating letter carrying the news of his dead betrothed floats to the ground.

His eyes cloud over, anger simmering beneath the surface. I say a few words of comfort and just the right words to instigate.

The boy makes up his mind. He shall contest and win against his father. Aruna’s death shall not go in vain.

I chuckle; the politician’s jilted servant will have his revenge. 3000 kilometers away, Aruna’s flight has landed. Everyone can be bought, however you just need to know the right price.

Chanakya’s Chant is one of the very few Indian author written fictions that I genuinely enjoyed. The book races like a well-played game of chess, where characters become pawns and events become moves, it’s a great depiction of how someone extremely clever and shrewd can control the turn of events. Hence, business schools, global ones even, reference Chanakya in their talks!
I am writing this 100-word flash fiction for the 2022 Edition of the Blogging A-Z Challenge, a blogging event held every April. Click here to read more on the challenge! My chosen theme for this year is flash fiction driven book recommendations. Even if you do not enjoy reading books, do read the flash fiction. If you’re participating, do leave your blog site in the comments!
