R for Rodrick Rules: The Diary of a Wimpy Kid Series (2022 A-Z)


After a series of secret-language codes between the students, they all drop their books at once. The huge thud scares the teacher off her wits. The kids break into boisterous laughter.

“That’s so cool!” I remark, pausing the movie. “We should do our own code language,” I announce.

Rowley nods in enthusiasm.

That night, invited to dinner at his house, I wink at him. Time for our coded talk.

“Your-pa Dad-pa smells-pa like-pa a-pa woman-pa,” I say, snickering. Rowley giggles too.

3 minutes later, I get thrown out. I have not been invited back ever since. I wonder what happened.


The first time I came across the Diary of a Wimpy Kid was when my nephew-in-law first borrowed the title Hard Luck from a library close to home back in 2013. Needless to say, I devoured it in 30 minutes. And then wanted more. It may have been written for kids, with illustrations and stuff, but let me tell you – I believe it’s actually written with the adult audience in mind. Laced with sharp wit, tongue-in-cheek humour, and amusing real-life relatable annoying incidents involving Greg’s everyday encounters and supposed struggles, the series is extremely entertaining.

The above is one of the happenings within Rodrick Rules, probably one of his best titles – along with Hard Luck. If you ever need a mood lifter, something to cheer you up, these are the absolute best! A lot of this reminds me of Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, the newspaper strip smarty-pants kid too smart for his own good! Another series that’s a collectible!

I have written this 100-word flash fiction for the 2022 Edition of the Blogging A-Z Challenge, a blogging event held every April. Click here to read more on the challenge! My chosen theme for this year is flash fiction driven book recommendations. Even if you aren’t a book reader, you might enjoy the flash fiction. And if you’re participating as well, do leave your blog site in the comments!
