L for Let’s Talk Money (2022 A-Z)


“I keep telling my daughter that studies are important,” says my friend at work, “I sometimes give her your example too, on how to work your way to becoming financially independent”

I feel honored and a tad bit flustered too simply because I don’t know how to accept praise graciously. Plus, I am that not amazing at personal finance management. Guess I’m doing OK though.

“Have you watched the Paytm social experiment video?” I ask.

He hasn’t heard of it. I play it on YouTube. He’s amazed.

“We never realize …,” he says.

“Yep, it’s important, but we never do.”


Those who have not watched the Paytm social experiment should absolutely do. Most people – especially women put personal finance management on the back burner, because there are several other valid priorities to juggle with, that fight for their time, effort, and energy. This is not a debate or fight for gender equality. Inclusivity and awareness in this field are important for everyone. As more women work and contribute to households, it’s equally important that they also understand about investments, insurances – life, health and more – so they can jointly make better decisions for the future. ‘Let’s Talk Money’ by Monika Halan is a brilliant, absolute must-read; super simple and extremely relatable. Finally, if there is one book I would recommend to you – especially young men and women starting out with their careers, this would be it.

I have written this 100-word flash post for the 2022 Edition of the Blogging A-Z Challenge, a blogging event held every April. Click here to read more on the challenge! My chosen theme for this year is flash fiction driven book recommendations. Even if you aren’t a book reader, you might enjoy the flash fiction. And if you’re participating as well, do leave your blog site in the comments!
