
Z: Zootopia!

Y: Twist in the Tale!

X: From the land of Far, Far Away!

W: Up, Up and Away!

V: Ouch!

U: Up Above The World So High!

T: The Poisoned Apple!

S: Half and Half!

R: A walk down memory lane!

Q: When knowledge is expensive!

P: A Raging Fire Within!

O: A Slimy Affair!

N: Till Death do us 'part!

M: To Be or Not to Be!

L: Dreading Day Zero

K: Monkey Business

J: Coming Out.

I: Everything's Fishy!

H: Mistaken Identity!

G: A Wedding to Remember!

F: Frozen!

E: The Eager Beaver

D: Dangerous!

C: Creepy!

B: For the Love of Books

A: A Catty Tale